Tuesday, March 26, 2013

On battling rheumatoid arthritis

Image Source: health.com

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a long-term disease leading to the inflammation of the joints and the tissues, and principally attacking the synovial—flexible—joints, is one of the most unsolvable puzzles in the medical world inasmuch as finding a real cure for it is still far from happening.

Image Source: epicurious.com 

There are temporary solutions for this, though. Mefenamic acid capsules are being offered on the market to alleviate a patient’s joint pains momentarily, and spas around the globe offer different kinds of unpronounceable massages to do the same thing. Traditional medicine has an array of herbal solutions for relieving RA pains, but this is not what the public wants. Perhaps these quick fixes and failures are the reason why people had to push themselves to make their own move, like what Chef Seamus Mullen did, who tweaked the food he eats and added up some healthy twists in it.

Image Source: trialx.com 

But there is something to be had in the recent studies done by different scientists on finding the real cure for this puzzling disease. Having discovered 14 genes that lead to this illness, they’ve identified the specific DNA of the female X chromosomes that helps explain why there’s a bigger possibility of acquiring RA in women than in men. These scientists are now focusing on the recently discovered genes to come up with the “future drug” that will potentially eradicate rheumatoid arthritis.  

More information on battling ageing-related diseases like rheumatoid arthritis can be accessed from Dr. Rachna Mehra’s website.